Equal Opportunities JMK GM Recruitment Equal Opps (1) Name* First Last Email* Enter Email Confirm Email Town or city where you live* City Age range*18 - 2425 - 2930 - 3940 - 4950 - 5960+Please let us know if you need any additional support to take part in this application process:Where did you hear about this opportunity?* Word of Mouth Stage One Website Twitter JMK Website JMK Mailing List/Email Arts Professional UK Theatre Website Other What is your ethnicity?*(choose more than one or type your answer in the 'other' field) Arab Asian/Bangladeshi Asian/Indian Asian/Pakistani Asian/White Asian/Other Black/African Black/Caribbean Black African/White Black Caribbean/White Black/Other Chinese Chinese/White White British White Irish Gypsy or Irish Traveller Latin American Any other Asian background Any other Black background Any other Mixed background Any other White background Any other ethnic group Rather not say Other Other ethnicity:Gender - I would describe myself as...Do you consider yourself to have a disability or ongoing illness?YesNoRather not sayEducation - please choose all that apply to you* Secondary State school Secondary Private school - fees paid Secondary Private school - scholarship Degree with Student loan Degree with Adult Learning Grant or Advanced Learning loan Degree with part-time work Degree with financial support from family Postgraduate course with bursary Postgraduate course with part-time work Postgraduate course with financial support from family Other Parental / Guardian / Carer Occupation: Thinking back to when you were aged about 14, which best describes the sort of work the main / highest income earner in your household did in their main job? Choose one only.*Modern Professional Occupations e.g. Teacher / Lecturer, Nurse, Physiotherapist, Social Worker, Welfare Officer, Artist, Musician, Police Officer (Sergeant or above), Software Designer etc.Clerical and Intermediate Occupations e.g. Secretary, Personal Assistant, Clerical Worker, Office Clerk, Call Centre Agent, Nursing Auxiliary, Nursery Nurse etc.Third ChoiSenior Manager or Administrator usually responsible for planning, organising and co-ordinating work and for finance e.g. Finance Manager, Chief Executive.ceTechnical and Craft Occupations e.g. Motor Mechanic, Fitter, Inspector, Plumber, Printer, Tool Maker, Electrician, Gardner, Train Driver etc.Unemployed or Never Worked.Semi-Routine Manual and Service Occupations e.g. Postal Worker, Machine Operative, Security Guard, Caretaker, Farm Worker, Catering Assistant, Receptionist, Sales Assistant etc.Routine Manual and Service Occupations e.g. HGV Driver, Van Driver, Cleaner, Porter, Packer, Sewing Machinist, Messenger, Labourer, Waiter / Waitress, Bar Staff etc.Middle or Junior Managers e.g. Office Manager, Retail Manager, Bank Manager, Restaurant Manager, Warehouse Manager, Publican etc.Traditional Professional Occupations e.g. Accountant, Solicitor, Medical Practitioner, Scientist, Civil / Mechanic Engineer etc.Rather not sayPlease type the figures in the box below to prevent spamming Δ